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Tarini Ahuja is a visual artist based in New Delhi, India. She pursued her undergraduate studies at Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore and graduated with a B.A (Hons) in Fine Arts from Goldsmith’s, University of London in 2013. She has exhibited her work globally, in shows in Singapore, London, India and Seoul. Tarini’s works are featured in the collections of DBS Bank (Singapore), One Farrer Hotel (Singapore), Reliance Industries (India) as well as several private collectors in India, Singapore, USA, UK, and Canada.


In 2015, Tarini was invited to showcase her work at the India International Centre (New Delhi, India) where she had her first solo exhibition titled ‘Wabi Sabi’. The essence of Wabi-Sabi lies in the beauty that is found in the unplanned and the imperfect, in the overlooked details. The Japanese idea of ‘Wabi-Sabi’ plays an important role in her aesthetic. Wabi-Sabi is beauty in the inconspicuous, unconventional, the overlooked details. The Beauty of Wabi-Sabi lies in its ambiguity, It finds beauty and harmony in what is simple, imperfect, natural, modest, and mysterious. It draws out the sensitivity of the unusual and the fragility of objects found in nature.


In 2023, she had her second solo exhibition titled ‘Adagio’ at Bikaner House in New Delhi. The word Adagio originates from the Italian phrase ‘ad agio’, which literally translates to - at ease. Conventionally used in music, Adagio describes the tempo of a passage that is to be played slowly, leisurely and gracefully – an apt description of Tarini’s painting process. She explores the ideas of fragility, memory, stillness, impermanence and restraint in her works through sensuous, luscious and intuitive marks while working with slowness and constant reflection.


Tarini aims to capture the ephemeral in her paintings, fleeting moments from everyday help shape her dreamlike polychromatic works. She spends days mapping out colours and creating elaborate palettes, this is a crucial ingredient of her work along with being a cathartic part of her process. Her tendency to romanticize reality allows her to create her whimsical and abstract landscapes. Colour is her ever evolving source of inspiration and the quotidian her unexpected muse. 


The process of painting for her is a deep exploration into the mesmeric language of abstraction which begins with elaborate plans, colour schemes and compositions.  While painting she relishes the struggle to maintain control while anticipating that beauty which comes from the impulsive, the moment in which a single stroke can be perfect in its imperfection. Tarini creates scenarios and problems which only, she can solve, she builds structures and simultaneously obliterates them, she intuitively layers paint exposing and covering marks. She enjoys the tactile nature of painting and the paradox of her art where impulse and control, calm and chaos go hand in hand.




Bachelor of Fine Arts, LASALLE College of the arts, Singapore in partnership with Goldsmiths, University of London



Diploma in Fine Arts- Painting, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.



Foundation in Visual Arts, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore



ISC (Indian School Certificate. The Shri Ram School- DLF Phase III Gurgaon, Haryana.





‘ADAGIO’ Solo Exhibition of  Paintings by Tarini Ahuja, Main Art Gallery, Bikaner House, New Delhi


‘Lustral’ virtual Exhibition on Artsy by Fiidaa Art Gallery, Singapore sort=partner_show_position


‘The Next Gen’ AgenC CoLab, New Delhi


‘Drawing is Dead’ StudioKhirki, New Delhi



“Imeyouime” by POND, The Brewhouse, New Delhi


“Bold Art Exhibit”, by Kohler The Imperial Hotel , New Delhi



“Salon of Curiosities” by POND, The Brewhouse, New Delhi



“Lumiere” Gallery Vision Art, New Delhi,India.


“Wabi-Sabi- Solo Exhibition of Paintings by Tarini Ahuja”, India International Centre, New Delhi, India.


"New Wave: the road of memories", and N Gallery, Seoul, South Korea


2014  ‘Perceptions’, The Lalit Kala Akademi, Mandi House. New Delhi


Nehru Centre, The Indian High Commission. London, England


‘Asian Students and Young Artists Art Festival’, Cultural Station Seoul 284, South Korea


‘Panorama-3’, Visual Arts Gallery , India Habitat Centre. New Delhi 


Construction, D Art Factory, Gurgaon, India.



‘Lasalle Graduation Show’, ICAS Gallery, Singapore.    



‘Graduation Show’, ICAS Gallery, Singapore. 



‘Found Objects’ ICAS Gallery, Singapore.


Group show, ICAS Gallery, Singapore.



2013- 2014

15 works – (500 x 700 mm)  Sculpture Square Gallery, Singapore.


2 works – (600 x 1000 mm) Sculpture Square Gallery, Singapore. 



Chhipa ( 1 Piece) – (2200 x 1000 mm), Fiida Art Gallery, Singapore.




The Purposeful Mayonnaise- A literary and Art Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1.June, 15th 2022.


‘Is the future of the artworld digital ?’ by Lea Egerer, June, 24th 2021. Vogue, Germany.


'100 VOICES, 100 ARTISTS',March, 2nd 2020. Saatchi Art


Five Indian Contemporary Artists You Should Add To Your Collection ASAP, by Khushboo Sharma. Nov, 8th,2019


‘The art of imperfection’ , by Benita Fernando

December 17th,2017. The Midday Newspaper, Mumbai.



‘Of whites, spaces and in-betweens’, by Jayashree Narayanan

 September 10th, 2015. Deccan Herald Newspaper, New Delhi.


‘Wabi- Sabi’ September 8th, 2015. HT City Newspaper, New Delhi.


‘Strokes of Perfection’, by Arjita Mishra,

September 8th,  2015. The Pioneer Newspaper, New Delhi.


 ‘Silence Speaks more then Noise’ by Jaideep Deo Bhanj,

 September  5th, 2015. The Hindu, New Delhi.



‘Crimson , Sap , Ochre, Buff’ Published in Vogue United Kingdom ,

 November Issue, 2014 . Conde Nast Publications, Vogue House, London.

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